Forum 3 - Word to the wise - Using evidence informed and research based decisions to inform CPD

Thank you for engaging in the forum today. I hope it was useful.

Gap tasks:


1. Explore the TDT's Teaching, Learning and Leadership research data base and Mr. Barton's research summary web page. Click here and here for the gold!

2. Have a look at the EXPLORE implementation checklist for leaders. What two questions could your leaders benefit from when exploring new approaches?

SHARE the knowledge

3. Share your findings/ insights and take-aways from this forum with your SLT/ staff.

COMMIT to an action 

4. Decide on one action you can take to further spread the culture of reading around research amongst your staff (leaders, teachers, support staff and teams) e.g. 

A Teaching and Learning Bulletin

Exploring disciplined enquiry

Signposting middle/ subject leaders to books, publications, podcasts

Protecting time for more reading in CPD sessions

Planning a CPD library

Raising the profile - CPD display in the staff room.

Best wishes



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