11.12.20 Welcome to the Sheffield CPD Hub blog

Hi and welcome to the Sheffield CPD Hubs blog.

We will use this space for sharing links, resources and reflections.

What are the key memories you will be taking away from the presentation today?


  1. It was reassuring to listen to colleagues who understand both the pressures of the job and the long term process behind implementing effective and sustainable change. The main message that stood out for me was being reminded to 'make the main thing, the main thing'. Having worked in a school in special measures, there were too many (often conflicting) priorities, resulting in all stakeholders becoming confused and quickly disillusioned. I'm looking forward to gaining advice on how to effectively influence other leaders who may take a different view on school improvement priorities.

    I'm afforded the luxury of another leader joining me on this journey, and I look forward to learning about how we can make best use of this to challenge one another's thinking.

    Nice to meet you all. Have a lovely Christmas and see you in the New Year.

  2. Thank you for your comments and reflections. Influencing others - teachers and leaders - is one of the biggest challenges we face in schools when implementing new approaches and CPD programmes. How can we reveal their existing values and perceived barriers before we launch into an approach? If we don't make it easy, attractive, social and timely (EASTmodel), it is likely to be met with some resistance. The work of Vivienne Robinson is excellent to help us work out how to reveal staff theories of action.

    Have a great Christmas.

  3. I am really looking forward to being involved in the programme.
    With everything else that is going on in the world of education it is great to take some time to focus on what really matters!

  4. Meaningful and person-centered CPD is so important, and it is great to hear from colleagues who have benefited from this programme. I look forward to finding ways of developing our approach to professional development and in learning how to make the best of the many skills and strengths of the staff in our school. Thank you for a great first session!


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